Winnaar NLC 1954
Winnaar NCC 1954

In 1954 there were also 2 championships held. The national cocktail championships and the national long drink championships. The location; Holland Casino in Amsterdam. The same location as in 1952.

Two competitions, that means two winners. The winner of the national cocktail competition was Gerard Lanen from Hagen. Karel Slob from Hilversum was the winner of the national longdrink competition.

One of the ingredients in the recipes below is 'Pimpeltjens'. An old Dutch liqueur with a rich history.

The story:

Sometimes old recipes are turned up after a search. That happened in 1952. It was then 300 years ago that Jan van Riebeeck founded a trading post in Cape Town. In memory of this historic event, KLM then made a special flight to Cape Town. It was a nice idea to serve a classic and historical dinner on board the plane, which was common in those days. Research was carried out and a menu was found at the State Archives in The Hague. A menu was compiled, mentioning ‘Pimpeltjens’ as the drink. Perhaps that is where our word ‘PIMPELEN’ comes from. However, nobody knew what Pimpeltjens was anymore.

KLM then asked De Kuyper whether one could sometimes find a recipe for the preparation of this liqueur in the old archives. The search was successful. The old drink turned out to be made from 14 different ingredients, of which Curaçao, orange and lemon peels are the main ones. Pimpeltjens has since been successfully sold again for many years.
