De Python ride opens for the first time in The Efteling, Prince Charles and Lady Di marry and MTV airs, singlehandedly causing the demand for music videos.

It is also coincidentally the year i was born, PLUS it is the week of my 40th birthday, go figure!

It is the year Emiliano Thodé wins the 23d National Cocktail Championship with his "Milord". Who is this Milord? In my mind it is Prince Charles, perhaps someone recalls? Anyway, plenty of reason to celebrate i think Milord!


10 ml Vodka (we prefer Konik's Tail)

25 ml Fraise des Bois liqueur (we prefer De Kuyper)

10 ml Crème de Cacao white (we prefer De Kuyper)

15 ml fresh lemon juice

Shake and strain in a chilled martini glass and garnish with a

Cocktail Cherry (originally green, but how about a Revolutioncherry?)

Winnaar NCC 1981