Winnaar NCC 1970

We look at 1963. During the National Championship the winner, Harrie Smits wins with the cocktail "Bon-Bon" which combines several of my favorite ingredients!

Apart from the Bols Cocktails Crème de Cacao, it uses both Surinam rum AND Vieux (Love it already!) by the brand Rynbende. This brand unfortunately no longer exists after being bought in 1970.

HOWEVER, a certain Wouter Rynbende (related, it seems) was kind enough to dedicate a website to the history of this brand: where you can certainly get your fill of old advertisements, bottles and much more regarding this distillery, started in 1793 by Simon Rynbende at the age of 16 (!), after a number of sea voyages on his father's ship the 'Oranje Zaal' in which he fought against pirates (!!).

Plus, one of their many labels was a bottled Gin Fizz. Go figure.

I am up for a little Bon-Bon myself, enjoy!