We are getting closer and closer to the present, as we arrive at 2015!

Pablo Picasso's "Les Femmes D'alger" is sold for 179 million, then the most expensive painting ever sold, A "terror-oehoe" owl attacks people and animals all over Purmerend, De banks close for a week in Greece due to financial difficulties causing people to withdraw over 1 billion euro in cash, in parts of Europe an actual Blue Moon is visible and the NBC has quite the unique year!

After an exciting National championship, where he topped Michael John and Dave Mulder in third and second place respectively, Robert-Jean Brommet became the very first person to win the Nationals 4 times!

Not just that, his Floral Sensation then won Gold in the sparkling category at the World Championship in Sofia. Truly an awesome year indeed!

"Floral Sensation"

25 ml Havana Club 7

5 ml Jasmin Syrup

15 ml Fabri Mixybar Rose

5 ml Elderflower syrup

90 ml Freixenet Cordon Negro

6 dashes Fee brothers Lemon Bitters

Shake and strain in a coupe, garnish with apple, pineapple leaf, chervil and floregano. Finish with a spray of Elderflower.