We have arrived at the year 1997. In this year Princess Diana died as a result of a fatal car accident in Paris, the first episode of the legendary cartoon series Southpark was shown, the Spicegirl released their first song 'Wannebe' and appeared the first Harry Potter movie. Mike Tyson bit off Evander Holyfield's ear during a boxing match in 1997.

On April 8th and 9th of this year, the National Cocktail and Longdrink Competition will be held at the Golden Tulip hotel in Heiloo. Peter Warmerdam prepares the winning cocktail of the year: Savannah for the first time in his career. Longdrink winner Jeffrey Jekel takes a narrow victory with his cocktail Total Touch. In the final standings calculated over both competitions and will represent the NBC during the international cocktail competition of the IBA later that year.


35 ml Crème de Pèche (we prefer De Kuyper)

10 ml Red Curaçao

5 ml Amaretto

5 ml Peach Syrup (we prefer Mathieu Teisseire)

15 ml Tropical fruit juice


Garnish: pineapple leave, physalis, Mint

Total Touch

30 ml Malibu

15 ml Peachtree

15 ml Safari

5 ml Blue Curaçao

5 ml Mango Syrup (we prefer mathieuteisseire_nl)


Top with pineapple juice

Garnish: strawberry, pineapple, orange, mint

Winnaar NCC 1997
Winnaar NLC 1997