Winnaar NCC 1966

The year is 1966. Abroad, Asia is the center of attention. The Vietnam War is escalating. And Sukarno is losing power in Indonesia. Suharto takes over. In China, the Cultural Revolution is breaking out, killing thousands of people. And in the Netherlands, Schmeltzer's night puts an end to the Cals cabinet. But 1966 is mainly the year of the smoke bombs and riots during the wedding of Princess Beatrix and Claus van Amsberg in Amsterdam. Bet we didn't think we would see riots again in our fair city.... 

However, in the mean time our bartenders were shaking and stirring away. As one does, the bartendingshow must go on! (don't we wish)
The 15th National Cocktail Competition took place at the NH Collection Amsterdam Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, the place where so many NBC competitions have taken place over the years. Always a good time and also a popular hotelbar to visit for the bartenders themself. Happy times!

Mr. Albert Bregten from the Cosy Corner in Scheveningen wins this NCC 1966 there, with his cocktail Derby;

3/4 Martell Cognac  (we prefer Godet Cognac)

1/8 Bols crème de cacao wit (we prefer De Kuyper)

1/8 Grand Marnier rouge

Stir and add one Revolutioncherry, et voilà. Proost!