We´ve arrived in the year 2012 where according to the Maya Calender the world would perish as we know it and if your on the into dissaster movies watch 2012. Luckely mankind is still here and we are going to survive this pandemic too.

Obama and Rutte are both going into the second term, Twitter has a half bilion accounts. Poetin becomes president and in Amsterdam the first Apple store is opened. One of my favourites that year is that James Cameron becomes the third person who touches down on the bottom of the Marianna Trench at a depth of 10898 mtrs.

There have been more people to the moon.

I know a colleague who was over the moon in 2012 as the winner of that years De Nederlandse Bartenders Club Cocktail Competition held in the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolski.

Robert-Jean Brommet became winner with his cocktail Gingertail.

4cl. Olifant vodka

1cl. Hypnotic

0,5 cl. Monin Basil ( we prefere mathieuteisseire_nl)

0,5 cl. Monin Ginger ( we prefere mathieuteisseire_nl)

1 cl. fresh lime juice

Basil leave garnish