1975 is up! And what a eventful year it was.
Riots and highjackings, we won the Eurovision Songfestival with Dinge-dong (only to never win it again till 2019), the seatbelt in cars became an obligation, Swiebertje had his last episode on Dutch TV, the nuclear plant Doel became active, Microsoft was founded, the Vietnam war ended, the epic album Wish You Were Here from Pink Floyd came to be, Suriname became independent, LEGO introduced the minifig and many others more and less important things happened that year.
Not in the least being that Amsterdam celebrated her 700th birthday with many festivities, in which the NBC joined ofcourse.
It became the theme of the yearly National Cockail Competition and the very original name of the winning cocktail by Leo Kuster from the Network Bar at Schiphol was ‘Amsterdam 700’!
A fitting tribute that year, also see the pictures below.
Amsterdam 700
20 ml vodka (we prefer Konik's Tail Vodka)
20 ml apricot brandy (we prefer De Kuyper)
20 ml dry orange curacao (we prefer De Kuyper)
Garnish; an Amsterdam Revolutioncherry
Stir with Hoshizaki Benelux ice and strain in martini glass
Our very own Karel Ruiter became the Secretary of the NBC that year and is still always available to tell you guys about the rich history and the the beautiful stories from the past! One of the NBC’s most valued points; history meets present where we can all still learn from each other with mutual respect.