we look back to the year 1982. The year in which the first CD was released, the American computer manufacturer Commodore brings the Commodore 64 to the consumer market and the best feature film of the year 1982 was of course E.T. Who doesn't know that cheerful alien.

Our national competition again this year consists of 2 parts: a longdrink and a cocktail competition. Ger Terpstra wins the cocktail competition with his cocktail Etitoo and Nico Homeijer makes the best longdrink: Moana.


30 ml Vodka

15 ml Lime syrup (mathieuteisseire_nl)

10 ml Pisang Ambon

15 ml fresh cream

Shake and strain in a cocktail glass

Garnish: lemon peel


10 ml Rum

30 ml Cherry Marnier

20 ml Cocoribe

2ds Almond syrup (mathieuteisseire_nl)

Shake and stain and top up with orange juice

Garnish; lime and a cocktail Cherry. We prefer Revolutioncherry

Nederlands Cocktailkampioenschappen 1982 in de RAI Foto v.l.n.r. Ron Busman, John Evenwel, Geert Terpstra en Nico Homeijer
Winnaar NLC 1982
Winnaar NCC 1982