we go back to 2013;

  • Willem-Alexander is inaugurated as King of the Netherlands following the abdication of Beatrix 

  • Former CIA employee Edward Snowden discloses operations engaged in by a U.S. government mass surveillance program to news publications and flees the country, later being granted temporary asylum in Russia 

  • United States v. Windsor (570 U.S. 744) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, overturning a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act and hence granting federal recognition to same-sex marriage in the United States 

  • Benedict XVI resigns as pope, becoming the first to do so since Gregory XII in 1415, and the first to do so voluntarily since Celestine V in 1294. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina is elected the 266th pope, whereupon he takes the name Francis and becomes the first Jesuit pope, the first pope from the Americas, and the first pope from the Southern Hemisphere 

Speaking about something holy and more importantly; on March 17 in 2013, Leroy Soumokil wins the 54th Nationale Cocktail Championship in the PosthoornKerk during the Jenever Festival in Amsterdam!

Lily Club

5cl Bols Genever 21 y.o.

1cl Mathieu Teisseire Strawberry syrup

0.5cl Mathieu Teisseire Vanilla syrup

1 dash Rhubarb bitters (we prefer Scrappy's Bitters)

1 eggwhite

Shake, double strain and garnish with gold dust

Winnaar NCC 2013