The year 2000! And what a special year it was!
Big fireworks usher in the new millennium, without problems from the dreaded millennium bug. George W. Bush becomes the new president of the US after endless recounts and lawsuits over the election results. His opponent: Al Gore. At the same time, in Russia, Vladimir Putin comes to power with much less fuss. In the summer, Russia mourns the crew of the Kursk. The submarine's crew cannot be rescued if the submarine sinks in the Barentz Sea. In the Netherlands, one event overshadows all others: the fireworks disaster in Enschede. 22 people die when the factory in the Roombeek district explodes.
The 30th National Longdrink Competition took place in Ahoy and our very own president Richard Zijlstra became the champion with his cocktail “Fleur”
25 ml Bacardi Limon
25 ml Peachtree
10 ml Mure syrup
10 ml Lime juice
Fill up with Fanta Cassis
Stirred with Hoshizaki Benelux ice
The 42nd National Cocktail Competition took place in Party Theater Festige Amsterdam and the champion there was multiple winner Jaap Van Worcum with his cocktail ‘Rocca Peach’
30 ml Rocca Peach
10 ml Rocca Grapefruit
5 ml Monin Coco
20 ml Maaza passion fruit & mint
5 ml fresh strawberry juice
And then the real highlight of the year happened; Jaap Van Worcum went on to compete on world level at the IBA WCC in Brazil and became the first Dutch overall Worldchampion, with his cocktail ‘Summer Queen’. A great achievement!!
For this reason, Jaap Van Worcum was appointed Honorary Member of the NBC in 2001.
Summer Queen
30 ml Blue Berry
20 ml Grand Marnier
5 ml Bailey’s
3 ds Cocos Syrup
1 fresh Strawberry
Blend with plenty of Hoshizaki Benelux ice