It's history monday and we are going back to 1979, the year when Pope John Paul II starts his first official papal visits outside Italy to the Bahamas, Dominican Republic and Mexico. Convicted bank robber Patty Hearst is released from prison after her sentence is commuted by President of the United States known as President Jimmy Carter. Former President of the NBC and International Bartenders Association mr. Ron Busman had won the 9th Nationale Longdrink Competitie on the 9th of Januari that year with his super drink:

Stupid Cupid

3cl Borzoi Imperial (we prefer Zubrowka)

2cl Bols Mandarine (we prefer Mandarine Napoleon)

1cl Bols Parfait Amour (we prefer De Kuyper)

Juice of half a lime

Top off with Dittmeyer's Orange juice

Shake and garnish with Revolutioncherry & Mandarine

Winnaar NLC 1979